Everyone who is given a driver's license in California is obligated to stop at the scene when they have been involved in an accident to render assistance, provide identification, and determine the extent of any injuries or property damage. That is part of any driver's responsibility and part of the privilege of being licensed. Those who fail to do so are subject to criminal prosecution.
A hit and run accident can result in a wide range of injuries to the driver or passengers in the other vehicle, or to whomever the implicated driver collides with, whether a pedestrian, bicyclist, or motorcyclist. These injuries can be minor or severe, requiring hospitalization and ongoing medical care. They can lead to loss of earnings, damaged vehicles, emotional trauma, and pain and suffering. Property damage to homes, buildings, or other structures may also be a consequence of a hit and run.
If you have been injured by a hit and run driver, you may feel you have few options for any recovery of your damages. This may or may not be the case, which is why you should seek legal help from an experienced personal injury attorney who can see that all necessary steps are taken on your behalf. In some cases, the negligent driver who left the scene can be located by police investigators through various methods. You or other witnesses may have vital information which can assist the police in their investigation. Our firm may also be able to work with your own insurance company to help you obtain any financial compensation available to you under your existing policy as well.
Hit and run drivers may flee the scene of an accident for many reasons. They may have been drunk or drug-impaired, may have been speeding, driving on a suspended or revoked license, may be an undocumented alien, or may simply have panicked, been afraid of law enforcement or the consequences of their actions. Regardless of the reasons, once found they can be held legally responsible for the injuries and damages they have incurred.
At the Law Offices of Haleh Shekarchian, we have dealt with hit and run injury cases in the greater Los Angeles area and in the surrounding counties. Our firm has the experience and skills necessary to help you recover the damages incurred by such an adverse event through a personal injury claim or lawsuit.