Southern California has some of the sunniest and mildest weather in the nation. Because of this, many cities and communities in this area have created more bike paths and lanes for the increasing number of individuals and groups who use bicycles as a means of transportation and sport. The growing number of bicyclists on the roads and highways in and around Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, and Santa Barbara means that increased caution is needed on the part of both bicyclists and motorists.
Despite diligent caution on the part of bicyclists, however, they cannot always predict nor can they control the actions of drivers with whom they share the road. When a driver is negligent or when a bicycle or vehicle proves to be defective, accidents can occur which can cause substantial injury or even death. Bicyclists whose bodies are unprotected against the devastating impact of a collision are especially vulnerable in such accidents. Resulting injuries can range from cuts, bruises, and sprains to multiple fractures, loss of limbs, head and brain injuries, internal injuries, and spinal cord damage.
In the aftermath of such an accident, you may not know what your legal rights and options are, whether you have a valid case for an injury claim or lawsuit, or if you should initiate such a claim. It is crucial at such a time to understand your situation as clearly as possible in legal terms. Getting the skilled help of an attorney can be vital in helping you to make informed decisions. Often, if you are injured, dealing with all of the legal details of your case is not a welcome task or even a possibility when faced with ongoing medical care. That is when our firm can step in and work aggressively to help you fight for the compensation you deserve from the negligent parties responsible for your injuries.
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, 8,000 bicycle fatalities and more than 700,000 bicycle injuries related to traffic accidents occurred in the last decade. Emergency rooms across the nation treat an average of 500,000 people involved in bicycle accidents every year. The majority of bicycle accident fatalities happen in urban areas. In Los Angeles, 1200 miles of bike lanes exist; many of these are lanes where both bicyclists and motorists vie for space.
Bicycle accidents can occur due to negligent drivers, drivers who fail to recognize or grant space to bicyclists with whom they share the road, drivers who are inattentive, or who may be distracted by cell phones, other devices, or by excessive traffic, drivers whose vision may be hampered by sun glare, objects or buildings which obstruct their view, drivers who speed or otherwise disobey traffic laws, and drunk drivers. Accidents may also occur due to faulty auto parts, such as failed brakes or defective accelerators as well as defective bicycles or their parts. Other contributing factors may be poor road conditions or maintenance or defective signage or traffic control devices, in which case a governmental agency may be held responsible. In these cases, limited time constraints may be involved under statutes of limitations for injury claims or lawsuits, which is why you should seek professional legal advice in a timely manner.
Identifying all those who may be responsible for contributing to your injuries in a bicycle accident is an important part of what a competent personal injury attorney may do when representing you. The Law Offices of Haleh Shekarchian is fully versed in all of the legal aspects and steps which must be taken to fully help you in an injury claim or lawsuit following a bicycle accident in or around Los Angeles and the surrounding counties of Southern California.